TN Visa Professionel pour les Canadiens et les Québécois

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Les visas des professionnels visés par le visa de l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALENA) ne sont accessibles qu’aux citoyens du Canada et du Mexique. Le visa TN permet aux citoyens canadiens et mexicains qualifiés de demander l’entrée temporaire aux États-Unis pour y exercer des activités professionnelles.

Certains types de professionnels pouvant prétendre au titre du visa TN sont les suivants: comptables, ingénieurs, avocats, pharmaciens, scientifiques et enseignants.

Pour être éligible au statut de non-immigrant TN, certaines des conditions sont les suivantes:

Critères d’admissibilité pour les citoyens canadiens

Si vous êtes citoyen canadien, vous devez fournir les documents suivants:

Si vous êtes citoyen canadien et souhaitez faire une demande de visa TN, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Famille des titulaires de visa TN

Tout membre de la famille accompagnant ou suivant peut être éligible au statut de non-immigrant TN. Ils doivent démontrer une relation de bonne foi entre leur conjoint et leurs parents. Les personnes à charge ne doivent pas nécessairement être citoyens du Mexique ou du Canada.

Frequently Asked Questions

The TN Visa, Established under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), is a specialized visa category available exclusively for citizens of Canada or Mexico. It facilitates qualified Canadian and Mexican citizens to temporarily enter the U.S. to engage in professional business activities. This visa aims to strengthen economic relations between the NAFTA countries.

The TN visa caters to a variety of professionals. Eligible roles include accountants, engineers, lawyers, pharmacists, scientists, and teachers, among others. Each profession has specific criteria that the applicant must meet to qualify.

To be considered for the TN non-immigrant status, several criteria must be met. The applicant must be a citizen of Canada or Mexico. Their profession should be recognized under the NAFTA regulations. The position they aim to fill in the U.S. should require a NAFTA professional. Additionally, the applicant must have a prearranged job with a U.S. employer and possess the necessary qualifications for their profession.

Yes, Canadian citizens need to provide specific documents when applying for a TN visa. This includes proof of Canadian citizenship, a detailed letter from their prospective U.S. employer outlining their professional role, and, if necessary, a credentials evaluation. This documentation ensures that the applicant meets the requirements for the visa.

Absolutely. Family members, such as spouses or children, can accompany or follow TN visa holders to the U.S. It’s essential for them to establish a genuine spousal or parent-child relationship. Interestingly, these dependents aren’t required to be citizens of either Mexico or Canada.

The TN visa typically allows professionals to stay in the U.S. for an initial period of up to three years. However, extensions can be granted in increments of three years with no maximum limit, provided the individual continues to meet the visa requirements.

The TN visa is a non-immigrant visa, meaning it’s temporary. While holding a TN visa, one can explore avenues to obtain permanent residency (Green Card), but it’s essential to navigate this process carefully to ensure compliance with immigration laws.